
Where Law works

We can deliver
strong commercial solutions fast.

With Nicholas O’Donohue & Co. it is almost like having your own in-house law practice, their knowledge is both broad and deep

How we can help

We are an old firm with new ideas. We work with business owners and individuals to help them achieve their personal and business goals.

Our accredited specialists deliver commercial solutions that makes law work for you.

Corporate & Commercial

Achieving strong commercial outcomes


Get a good result – not a costly court case

Wills & Estates

At Nicholas O’Donohue and Co. we care


Specialising in Property since 1925

We go beyond the expected to find the best possible solution, for over 95 years and counting.

Proud History

Loyal Clients

Commercial thinkers

Expert Advisors

We go beyond the expected to find the best possible solution, for over 90 years and counting.


Let us keep you up to date

Let us know how
we can help you

Whether you have a big challenge, a major issue or a simple query, we are here to help.

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